Abstract: The primary intention behind the undertaking is to reconnaissance on war places, data from the foes line locales; this robot has a metal locator and night vision camera to discover and observation the bombs and people in the limited zones and communicate the data to the collector material. It accommodates and saves the existence of warriors, people groups. The robot which creates for the safeguards office will help for people and save our life. Know the foes data before the adversaries get carried out. The fundamental benefit of this government operative robot is a night vision camera and metal finder. The night vision camera taps the image or recordings and sends the data to the recipient. The metal indicator identifies the bombs and metal things in underground. These robots are exceptionally valuable in these days and the future. It diminishes the work and hazard of people groups and helps them from various perspectives. These government operative robots are controlled through versatile or telephone.
Keywords: Robot, Vision camera, Metal finder, Foes line.