Abstract: To send letters and postcards is tedious, we have to visit mailbox or post office directly to drop letters and postcards. Making system for this issue will save time and money. The core idea of research project is to implement Android based application Is everyone can send letters and postcards from anywhere anytime. Online process is so transparent everything is at one place, send letter or postcards, make online payment, track status of delivery and more. For users needs to install an app, upload your own design or choose one from our collection, Enter senders detail and destination address. That’s it in systems dashboard all details or order will display, also from dashboard we can manage orders. This system will be big problem solving for most of businesses, banks, insurance companies. Using this system businesses can send letters and postcard in bulk is possible.
Keywords: Mailcommerce, Send Letter Digitally in physical form, Send Postcards, Photos, Documents Digitally in physical form.