Abstract: In economics competition is a condition where different economic firms seek to obtain a share of a limited good by varying the elements of the market orientation regarding price, product, promotion and place. In economy it’s thought that, competition causes commercial firms to develop new products, services and technologies, which would give consumers greater selection and better products. Early economic research focused on the difference between price- and non-price-based competitions, while later economic theory has focused on the many-seller limit of general equilibrium. Competition law is essentially concerned with the study of market economy. There are different communities who impinged in the same market economy of crafts as the Mahali were/are continuing. Non availability of raw materials, soaring price of commodities, the legal embargo all combined hindered the present economic situation of the Mahali. The Mahali a craftsman tribe, who’s socio-economic, socio-cultural and techno-economic life were/are based on minor forest produce bamboo being the principal ingredient of their traditional occupation, generation wise, but presently they are unable to do the same. This sequel is aimed to find their present socio-economic conditions and sustenance of livelihood under the implemented Forest Act, Policies along with economics of competition law orientation in the form of a market economy and its consequences on the forest dwelling craftsman tribe the Mahali, exhibits juxtaposition of their ware in the market economy and competition thereof, enhance development in the economic pursuit with protection of crafts from imperil.
Key Words:- Competition, Craft, Economy, Forest, Law, Market, Policy, Tribe.