Abstract: The purpose of this study to To be able to find a picture of low and high work engagement of each employee, to be able to know the description of work engagement is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption, to be able to determine the relationship work engagement of employees in the division of IT and Non IT To determine the relationship by Vigor , dedication and absorption of employees in the IT and Non IT divisions. The research method used in this study is by collecting data by distributing questionnaires as many as 370 respondents who are IT and Non IT divisions from September to December 2018 in information technology companies in Jakarta, Indonesia. The analytical method used is a questionnaire that has been tested using validity test, reliability test and also categorizing and different tests. The results of this study indicate the research model in accordance with the sample data used. Data on the highest percentage of respondents from the age of 20 -30 who are more male sex with unmarried relationship status as private workers. For the division of work in information technology companies, it is more likely for the IT division, which mostly works as a network engineer and front end. and employees mostly work for 2 years . For categorizing work engagement in companies in the information technology sector tends to be high, then for vigor it tends to be lower than dedication and absorption. Whereas in the IT and Non IT divisions, IT vigor tends to be lower than Non IT, for IT and Non IT dedication tends to be high, then for absorption in IT division tends to be high compared to Non IT which tends to be low. And there are no significant differences in the level of work management, set of vigor, dedication, and absorptions related to the IT and Non IT divisions.

Keywords: Work Engagement, Vigor, Dedication, Absorption, IT Division, Non IT Division

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2019.6308

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