Abstract: The purpose of the study was to find out the differences of mental health and stress between physical and non physical education students. Total 300 physical education and 300 other students selected for the study and their age ranged between 18-30years. The data was collected through respondents in the form of different tests. This study involves a cross sectional, comparative study of physical and non-physical education students. The research design of the study is to descriptive research design. The study depends mainly on primary source of data. The data was collected through respondents in physical and non-physical education students the Instructions was given to the sports person before filling the questionnaires. The data was collected through questionnaires. The instruction was given by the investigator to the students before filling these questionnaires.
Non Physical Education students reported severe stress than physical education students. The findings of the study reveal that Physical Education Students was better Perceived general health as compared to Non Physical Education Students . The findings of the study reveals that Physical Education Students was sound Mental health as compared to Non Physical Education Students.