Abstract: Telescopic shaft is very important part of machine. It should be accurately machined with the acceptable tolerance. Also the fluctuations of dimensions in work-piece to work piece should be minimum so that it will be easier to assemble in machine. But it has been observed that the required dimensions for the larger end diameter and smaller end diameter for the telescopic shaft are not continuously achievable by using the existing fixture.
In machining fixtures, minimizing workpiece deformation due to clamping and cutting forces is essential to maintain the machining accuracy. Fixture is required in various industries according to their application. This can be achieved by selecting the optimal location of fixturing elements such as locators and clamps.
The fixture set up for component is done manually. For that more cycle time required for loading and unloading the material. So, there is need to develop system which can help in improving productivity and time. Fixtures reduce operation time and increases productivity and high quality of operation is possible.The proposed fixture will fulfilled researcher production target and enhanced the efficiency, reduces operation time and increases productivity, high quality of operation, reduce accidents.
Keywords: Telescopic Shaft, Fixture Design, Production Rate.