Abstract: Microcontroller-based Green House control devices automate equipment and quantities in greenhouses, reducing human monitoring and ensuring optimal plant growth, crop yields, and resource efficiency. These systems are crucial for agriculture and horticulture sectors, as they control soil moisture, temperature, and other climatic parameters, enabling high-frequency data acquisition and reduced labor requirements. This project aims to design a micro-controller-based circuit that monitors and records temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and sunlight in the natural environment, enabling maximum plant growth and yield. Utilizing a low-power ATMEL AT89S52 chip, the circuit communicates with sensor modules in real-time, controlling temperature, moisture, humidity, and day light in greenhouses. A 16x2 character LCD displays information. This economical, portable, and low-maintenance solution integrates monitoring devices and provides suggestions for remedies. The study focuses on determining the effectiveness and functionality of greenhouse control devices.

Keywords: green house, heating, radiation, temperature, watering, ventilation

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10708

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