Abstract: Researchers and professionals are enthusiastic with using natural fibres in polymer composites because of their environmental friendliness and long-term viability. The purpose of this review article is to give a thorough overview of the most appropriate and widely used fibres reinforced polymer composites (NFPCs) and their applications. It also includes a description of various surface treatments used on natural fibres and their impact on the qualities of NFPCs. Fiber structure, source and structure all influence the qualities of NFPCs. The impact of several chemical treatments on the mechanical and thermal characteristics of natural fibre reinforced thermosetting and thermoplastic composites were looked. NFPCs have a variety of limitations, including greater water absorption, poor fire resistance, and poor mechanical qualities, which limited their use. Chemical repercussions Water absorption, tribology, viscoelastic behaviour, relaxation behaviour, energy absorption, flame retardancy, and other treatments. The biodegradability of NFPCs was also noted. Chemical treatment of the natural fibre boosted adhesion between the fibres, according to the findings. The physicomechanical and thermochemical characteristics of the NFPCs were improved by combining the fibre surface with the polymer matrix.

Keywords: Natural fiber, polymer, properties, tests.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9231

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