Abstract: The Natural language has fundamental role in human communication and even in human way of thinking and behavior regarding the world. With the advancement in Natural Language Processing, it is very essential to study it in all the respects especially semantic at different level. The semantic is a basis of both tasks Natural Language Understanding and Natural Language Generation in Natural Language Processing. The ambiguity and vagueness increases the semantic complexity in semantic theory. These two ambiguities and vagueness are socially acceptable while it is highly overlooked academically during the human interactions. These two are consider as distinct and varieties of interpretive uncertainty that has significant meaning in philosophy of language. The Ambiguity deals with uncertainty about levels of representation with different structural characteristics and vagueness with uncertainty about true meanings of particular items. The formal semantics is the study of using the formal logic to analyze the meaning that human beings use in everyday communication.
This work presents the review of different semantics and their logics take place in natural language processing with computability of natural language semantics and reflexion on computability of natural language semantic within ambiguous and vagueness situation. It is a computational analysis of currently used logical models and algorithm in natural language semantics with different semantics that will make the foundation for new semantic models and logics.
Keywords: Semantic Theory, Natural Language Semantic, Formal Semantic, Distributional Semantic, Situation Semantic and Cognitive semantic, logical models