Abstract: Phishing attacks persist as a prevalent cyber threat exploiting the vulnerability of internet users, tricking them into clicking malicious attachments or links under the guise of legitimacy. This study aims to investigate the impact of users' attitudes on cybersecurity awareness, specifically focusing on phishing attacks and related social engineering tactics such as smishing, vishing, and spear-phishing. Our findings reveal that internet users with positive and proactive attitudes toward cybersecurity demonstrate heightened awareness of phishing attacks and are more adept at adopting preventive measures. Conversely, those with complacent and dismissive attitudes are more susceptible to falling victim to phishing. The study underscores the importance of tailoring cybersecurity measures to foster a security-conscious and proactive mindset among internet users, ultimately strengthening overall cybersecurity resilience in the face of evolving threats.

Keywords: Phishing attacks, cyber threat, internet users, attitude, cybersecurity awareness, phishing attempts, smishing, vishing, spear-phishing, and cybersecurity resilience.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.91224

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