Abstract: In contemporary society, workplaces have become more complex and dynamic because of the strong need to perform sophisticated tasks and use advanced technology. In these situations, trust can be an important factor of “decision aid” in dynamic and uncertain situations when complex systems are impossible to comprehend and when flexible behaviors are necessary to combat unexpected situations that arise, which are unavoidable. Measuring the human trust of a worker interacting with systems is vital in predicting his or her decision-making. This research examined human trust using an Electro Encephalo Gram (EEG) by recording, identifying and analyzing specific brainwaves. This research adopted a word elicitation study from previous research to evoke situations of trust and mistrust and used a power spectrum analysis for the recorded brainwaves. The results identified that while alpha and beta waves were stronger in the trust situations, gamma waves were stronger in the mistrust situations. Therefore, based on the activities of the brain waves associated with trust, we concluded that trust can impact effective decision-making by increasing concentration and performance, which are related to alpha and beta waves. Contrarily, mistrust can interrupt effective decision-making by increasing stress and anxiety, which are related to beta waves.

Keywords: Trust, Mistrust, Brainwaves, Electroencephalogram

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2019.6712

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