ABSTRACT: Technology is changing very rapidly and with new tools and technology comes alternate and better ways of doing things. Security and transparency are some of the threats which the world faces. Similarly, the elections are held by a centralized party and there is always a possibility of data tampering. Blockchain is one such technology that can deal with such threats. Blockchain is a digital information recording system that is created in such a way that makes it very difficult to tamper with data. Blockchain is a technology that decentralizes the whole system and the database is owned by every node. It offers immutable distributed ledger technology which is an exciting advancement in the field of the information technology world in this research we aim to discuss a decentralized online voting system using blockchain technology. Using this we create a decentralized, secure and easy way of voting.
Keywords: Smart Contract, Etherium, Blockchain, Solidity, E-Voting, SHA-256.