Abstract: Childbirth is always synonymous with severe pain, so the fear of not being able to dampen the pain is an anxiety for a mother who will undergo childbirth. Many mothers are very afraid to experience labour pain choosing caesarean delivery to give birth to their baby. Based on Indonesia Basic Health Research 2013, the practice of caesarean section in all provinces in Indonesia averaged 15.3%, or above the average standard issued by WHO. Maternity Clinic which have delivers excellent service without pain through the technique of epidural analgesia has a good prospect because the demand of the community that pregnant women who want to get a normal birth is comfortable and painless. The clinical operational management uses the concept of Lean Six Sigma as a customer-focused production process control, through the DMAIC or Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control phase. In each phase, different activities will be performed according to the conditions occurring during the project. In the analyse stage, VSM (Value Stream Map) calculation obtained value added composition compared to non value added, for painless delivery service with epidural analgesia that is 15 hours: 41 hours 45 minutes (26.4%: 73.6%). The results show that the painless delivery service system has not been lean condition, so the clinical operation runs less efficiently, and caused a lot of waste and waste to be eliminated. After the lean process, there is improvement in service flow so that the hospitalization time without pain can be shorter than before that is only 48 hours. This will result in the efficiency of various service support elements as well as the cost of hospitalization. Improvements made are expected to continue and is a continuous improvement for operational activities in Maternity Clinic.
Keywords: Childbirth, Painless, Lean Six Sygma, Lean Process