Abstract: Diabetic Foot complications represent a tremendous challenge for patients, caregivers, and the health care system. Studies also show that up to 25% of diabetic individuals will develop a foot ulcer during their lifetime. Peripheral Neuropathy that affects the legs and feet is the most common type of nerve damage. Many of these patients eventually must undergo amputation as a result of infection due to foot ulcers. With the help of current technology, in-shoe monitoring systems monitor at-risk ulceration sites based on known indicators such as peak pressure. The most important parameters in designing a pressure-sensing insole include the number, location, and size of the sensors. In this project proposal, we aim at showing the criticality of sensor architectural trade-off in developing the in-shoe plantar pressure monitoring systems. We evaluate this trade-off by using our custom-made platform for data collection during normal walking.
Keywords: MQTT, Neuropathy, Foot Ulcer.