Abstract: This project applies two AI (Artificial Intelligence) techniques, i.e., fuzzy logic and expert system, to enhance the Kalman’s filterbased GPS Navigation System. The Dijktra’s Algorithm to find the smart route to reach the destination. The Kalman’s Filtering technology provides us the exact speed of the vehicle by means of an accelerometer and a speed sensor. Once the speed has been calculated, the algorithm uses the speed of the vehicle and converts the speed to RPM (Revolution per minute) of the wheel to find the traffic intensity. Once the traffic has been noted in a particular area it sends the information to the centralised database. The database in turn notifies the user and Police Department about the traffic and once the traffic has been identified in the path of the user, the algorithm finds an alternate path by considering factors like traffic and time to reach the destination. The notifications are sent to the user and Police Department by means of SMTP and POP3 protocol. Since the Police Department are notified with the traffic intensity, the Expert Systems checks if the traffic has been cleared or not and sends all the updates to the centralised databases.

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, Kalman’s Filtering Technology, Expert Systems, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, POP3 and SMTP protocols.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8584

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