Abstract: Aggregate crushers are essential equipment in the construction and mining industries for breaking large rocks down into smaller aggregates. Optimizing the performance of these crushers can lead to improved efficiency, productivity, and profitability. This paper examines various methods for optimizing aggregate crushers.

Crusher optimization starts with choosing the correct crusher type and size based on the material being crushed and the desired output size distribution. Once installed, crushers can be optimized by adjusting critical operating parameters such as closed-side setting, eccentric throw, and rotational speed. Changing mantle and concave profiles is another way to improve performance and reduce wear. Choosing the optimal feed gradation for a given crusher chamber design can maximize throughput while minimizing excess fines generation. Proper utilization of screening equipment to control top size and circulate oversize material also improves crusher efficiency.

Maintenance practices are also critical for optimization. Keeping mechanical components lubricated and lined wear parts at their optimal usable thickness reduces friction and maximizes service life. Regular inspections allow early detection of issues before they lead to failures. Performance monitoring systems provide valuable data to tune crushers in real-time. Lastly, improving crusher chamber and apron designs through innovations like rock boxes, dual durometer liners, and anti-packing baffles boosts particle size reduction.

When properly optimized, aggregate crushers consume less energy per ton of material crushed and produce more consistent gradations and particle shapes. Overall optimization effectiveness depends on the specific crusher, feed material, and circuit configuration. A systems approach is required, analysing the entire crushing circuit rather than individual components in isolation.

Keywords: Aggregate Crushers, Crusher Optimization, Crushing Efficiency, Maintenance Practices, Process Monitoring

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10918

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