Abstract: The research is about the organizational assessment conducted which serves as an input to process improvement. The research confirmed that HR issues can have an effect on the overall performance of the company as well as the performance and morale of the employees. The HR issues when left unattended may lead to employee dissatisfaction. These HR issues include issues on the areas of job applicant screening, job posting, employee orientation and benefits orientation, granting of mandatory benefits, issuance of employee handbook, interpretation and implementation of policies, approval of benefits like sick leave, annual leave and employee training and development. This is validated by their slight satisfaction of the access and availability of HR Staff, Consistency in the HR policies implementation as well as Communication of Information. Overall, the Human Resources Department (HRD) of any company should improve its process of information and communicate taking into account accurate information and consistent implementation of policies.

Keywords:  Transparency, Consistency, Policy Implementation, Access and Availability, Communication of Information, Employee Handbook, Policies

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2019.6113

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