Abstract: Every network consists of various hosts and other networking devices connected to each other. These devices interact with each other to pass meaningful information. This information is transferred in the form of packets. Packets are basically small units of data sent over the network. When a great amount of data is being shared over the network with no supervision it becomes fairly important to collect, identify, and analyse the different types of packets and details as they cross the network. This is where a packet sniffer comes into existence. Packet sniffer is a program that helps to keep track of the packets sent over the network. This is widely done using protocol analysers like Wireshark, TCPdump, or Windump to collect and evaluate packet details. This paper focuses on making a packet sniffer from scratch using python, socket programming and basic networking knowledge. This paper will also explore the existing softwares for packet analysis in brief.

Keywords: Wireshark, ARP Spoofing, Socket Programming, TCPdump, Wiredump, PCAPInclude at least 4 keywords or phrases.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9228

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