Abstract: Elevated water tank is a major structure which should be accurately and precisely analysed and designed in earth prone regions. In this project work, parametric study of circular elevated water tank has been carried out using STAAD Pro version 8i (SS6) for 500m3 capacity of tank. The seismic behavioral effect has been observed considering various staging arrangements(bracing), variation in h/d ratio, variation in number and sizes of periphery columns. A Comparative study has been done considering above mentioned different parameters and the optimum results in terms of base shear and displacement is to be taken into account. Total 12 combinations were analysed for full tank and empty tank conditions using Response Spectrum Method. Elevated circular water tank which consists diagonal bracing, h/d ratio as 0.7 and no. of columns as 6 gives the best results as this combination provides the minimal values of base shear and displacements.
Keywords: Elevated Circular Water Tank, Seismic Analysis, Base Shear, Displacement, Response Spectrum Analysis