Abstract: Precast segmental box girder type superstructure bridges are extensively constructed in urban areas. In this project Balanced cantilever method is used for model generation of precast segmental box girder bridge using MIDAS CIVIL 2019.Parametric study is carried out considering different span to depth ratio (at support and at mid-section) and different span length. construction stage analysis has also been carried out. Span to depth ratios for support section are taken as 16,15,14and that for mid-section are 50,40,30 is considered. different span length has been considered as 60,70,80 different grade of concrete M50, M55, M60 considered. Different type of tendon bonded and unbonded also considered. Analysis result show that shear force and bending moment increases with increase in length of the span of bridge. S.F. and B.M. increases on support segment with increase in depth at support section while depth at mid-segment keeping constant, while the same decrease at mid-segment. Bonded tendon gives less bending moment, shear force and deflection as compare to bonded tendon, so bonded tendon is more suitable than unbonded tendon. M50 grade of concrete not satisfy combine shear and torsion criteria which satisfied by M55 and M60 grade of concrete, so grade of concrete above M50 is require. Span to depth ration at support and mid segment 16,15,14 and 50,40,30 respectively satisfy all ultimate limit state and serviceability criteria and therefore this ranges of span to depth ratio suitable for safe design.
Keywords: Precast segmental bridge, balanced cantilever method, parametric study, post tensioning