Abstract: Concrete filled steel tube column (CFST) is a type of composite structure which uses the advantage of both steel and concrete. The disposal of scrap tires is very difficult and causes environmental issues, hence reusing them as a construction material will be a better alternative. Previous studies shows that the use of rubber particles can enhance ductility, energy absorption capacity of concrete and the elastic behaviour of structure. It reduces the weight and natural frequency of structure so it can be used in structures subjected to vibration and seismic load. But it was found that the compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of rubberized concrete reduces in comparison to the normal concrete. However, no research has been carried out to increase the load carrying capacity of RuCFST column.
Present study investigates effect of various parameters such as shape of column (circular and square), % rubber replacement, size of vertical stiffener, No. of stiffeners on load carrying capacity and ductility of Stiffened Rubberized CFST short and slender Columns for axial loading and eccentrically loading. Effect on load carrying capacity, ductility, concrete contribution ratio, strength index and confinement index are evaluated. Results from numerical analysis are compared with empirical formula given by Eurocode-4 and Job Thomas and TN Sandeep.
Keywords: Concrete filled steel tubular column, CFST, Rubberized concrete, FEA, ABAQUS.