Abstract: A sequence of large scale direct shear tests were carried out to evaluate the involvement of passive bearing resistance at the interface of the cohesion less soil- geogrid in shear mode.Soil samples used are with varying proportions of Sand, 6mm aggregates and 12mm aggregates at different densities. The study results revealed that the transverse ribs contribute 17% of the total interface resistance for soil samples tested with the geogrid. From the test results it is observed that the shear strength at sand – geogrid interface mobilized under direct shear mode is depending on the density, size of the particles and thickness of ribs. Moreover, it is observed that the 21 % of passive resistance contributed by transverse ribs with respect to the total shear resistance found decreasing with increase of normal load at constant density and the passive resistance found decreasing with decreasing of density.
Keywords: combined shear resistance; interface shear ;geogrid-soil; passive resistance;shear mode;soil gradation; transverse ribs.