Abstract: Dimensionality reduction techniques play a crucial role in pattern analysis by reducing the complexity and noise in high-dimensional data. However, understanding the impact of dimensionality reduction on pattern analysis can be challenging, as it involves intricate mathematical operations and transformations. This research paper presents a visual journey into data insight by exploring the effects of dimensionality reduction methods on pattern analysis tasks. We propose a novel visualizer that provides an intuitive and interactive interface to facilitate the exploration and analysis of reduced-dimensional data. The visualizer incorporates various visualization techniques, including scatter plots, heatmaps, and interactive projections, to effectively represent the patterns and relationships within the reduced data. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of popular dimensionality reduction methods, such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), t-SNE, and UMAP, using real-world datasets. Through our experiments, we demonstrate how the visualizer aids in uncovering hidden patterns, understanding the trade-offs of different dimensionality reduction methods, and assisting in decision-making for downstream pattern analysis tasks. The findings highlight the importance of visual approaches in enhancing the interpretability and effectiveness of dimensionality reduction techniques in pattern analysis.

Keywords: Pattern analysis, dimensionality reduction, visual analysis, scatter plots, heatmaps, interactive projections, PCA, t-SNE, UMAP.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10776

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