Abstract: This study compares the Response Spectrum approach and Equivalent static methods with a performance-based seismic design for G+ 30. It was discovered that the building's story stiffness, story displacement, story shear, and story drift were all superior to those of the Response spectrum technique or Equivalent static approach, where the response spectrum, equivalent static, and performance basis design maximum narrative drifts were found to be 0.0009113, 0.000383, and 0.00113, respectively. Furthermore, performance-based design has been found to have the lowest building displacement value—28.4 mm on the top floor—when it comes to story displacement. In the performance comparison, the building that was found to have the highest stiffness was building number 58010171KN/m, building number 19517666KN/m for ESM, and building number 37269757KN/m for RSM. The greatest measured value for the tale shear is 18716.99KN, the ESM is 9985.45, and the response spectrum is 14030.019. They satisfy the ASCE 7-16 code and IS 1893 Pt-1 2016 acceptance standards. The findings demonstrated the superior efficiency of performance-based seismic design over RSM and ESM. The ASCE-7,16 Code's acceptance criteria for the hinge response in the beam, column, and shear wall have been seen to be met by the tabulated value, which is less than the IO level that is completely operational and fulfils the criterion value.

Keywords: Performance- Base Seismic Design, Story Displacement, Story Shear, Story Drift, Story Stiffness. Response Spectrum method, Equivalent Static Method. Fiber hinge, Plastic hinges.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11673

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