Abstract: The Swarnagadde laterites occur extensively as blanket or cappings on the high plateau and hill ranges in the Western Ghats of Karnataka. The general thickness of the ferruginous laterite in the profile varies between 50 cm to 1.2. Granitic gneisses are the oldest rocks of the study area and these are predominantly tonalite/trondhjemites in nature and comparable to similar early Precambrian granitic gneisses of the world. The lateritic formations of Swarnagadde area receives average rainfall of about 3900 m annually. It is aimed here to discuss the physic-chemical parameters and genetic implications for the formation of lateritic profile in this paper. The laterites in the area are dominantly composed of aluminium and kaolin bearing minerals. Frequently quartz is seen as relict mineral present in the lateritisation profile. The chemical analysis of laterites reveal a high percentage of Al2O3, followed by Fe2O3 and SiO2 and all the samples resulted a high value of LOI. These four components together constitute 97.20% of the total component of the laterite profile. The study substantiates that the laterites are the product of chemical weathering under tropical conditions.
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