Abstract:The social services are in a precarious position in world. Humans face retrenchment, budgetary constraints that endanger essential services, and unemployment among social sector workers after decades of growth. Traditional political advocates of human services provide only a hesitant and skeptical response to regressive attacks. Political economics is the study of how the dissemination of political and economic power in a society affects the development and policies that affect it. India is a signatory to the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. It has a “unique mix of justiciable and non-justiciable rights in its written constitution. The human rights movement in India, as well as its intellectual discourse, has been put to the test owing to the country's unique political complexity, as well as the historical, social, and cultural” differences across its states. Caste, class, and gender discrimination, poverty, a lack of education, and a lack of knowledge are all significant impediments to popularizing and internalizing human rights and turning it into a mass drive. A few people control most of the power in India, where the overwhelming majority of people are impoverished and frequently socially underprivileged, but democratic growth has begun to lessen the grip of elite rule in recent years. It investigates the factors influencing the politics of social practice in India and offers strategies for social workers to develop successful solutions in schooling, rehearsal, philosophy, and investigate.
Keywords: Political, Indian Economy, Social Work, Human Rights, Social Group, Economy.