Abstract: Adolescence is a transitional period, the time of search for identity and is the threshold of adulthood. Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which every individual can realise his or her own potential, can cope with normal stresses of life can work productively and fruitfully and can make a contribution to his or her community. The goal of this research paper was to find the prevalence of positive mental health among female adolescents. The data was collected through purposive sampling from 348 female adolescents of age range 13 to 19 years from various schools and colleges. The scale used for the current study was Positive Mental Health Inventory (Dr. C.D Agashe and Dr R.D Helode, 2008). The study focussed upon three dimensions of positive mental health namely, self-acceptance, ego strength and philosophies of life. The results have portrayed that majority of the samples possess moderate positive mental health. When furthermore analysis of the data was carried out, the mean of self-acceptance found to be higher than (6.27, 1.974) ego strength (5.95, 1.820) and philosophies of life (5.55, 1.644). It also reveals that self-acceptance has a major contribution towards positive mental health than other domains such as ego strength and philosophies of life. This study concludes that females have moderate positive mental health and the improvement would be beneficial for a better functioning.
Key words: Adolescence, Positive mental health, self-acceptance, ego strength, philosophies of life