Abstract: This paper involves selection of alternative fuels for Indian cement industries. Currently pet coke is the major fuel used to fire cement kilns. Its characteristic of being cheap and its appreciable combustion efficiency does not overlook the harmful emission produced during its combustion. In this paper, a case of UMA cement factory located in Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir is considered. Survey conducted in this cement factory reported that a total of 120 kg of pet coke is used in order to produce one tonne of cement. On the basis of energy requirement for the combustion, four alternative fuels were selected meticulously. This study involves price analysis of each alternative fuel along with pet coke and is detailed analysis is provided tabularly. Moreover, CO2 emission of each fuel in producing one tonne of cement is also calculated in this paper and is provided graphically in this paper.
Keywords: Alternative Fuels, Industrial pollution and Cement Kiln