Abstract: Industry Automation using PLC is a universally accepted approach due to its functionality and configurations from a small scale process having limited I/O to a large scale industry having thousands of I/O. For recent years with the advent of Industry 4.0 Concept devices are configured with the in-built network connectivity which makes device itself as a Server for Remote Access of its parameters. The same concept is also utilized at the Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) for the recent years. Web Server – a technology being used by different PLC vendors nowadays allows the users to facilitate their automation projects with remote internet based access. The same concept is implemented here to showcase how economically, a small process can also have the same high-end remote access with minimal configuration. Batch Mixing Process is taken as the application, where user freedom to select the mixing components based on different demand. Siemens PLC CPU Simatic S7-1212C Controller, which is having inbuilt Web Server feature is used for automation here. While designing the project it is kept in mind that the one with less technical knowledge can also operate it.
Keywords: PLC, Automation, Batch Process, Web Server