Abstract: Safety becomes an important problem for image communication and storage due to the exponential growth of digital communication and multimedia applications. Encryption is one of the ways of ensuring high-security photos used in many areas, such as medical research, military, etc.; Modern cryptography provides important techniques for data securing and multimedia data security. Recent years have seen the rapid advancement of encryption technologies, and many image encryption techniques have been employed to secure sensitive image data from unauthorised access. To ensure a higher degree of protection for images transmitted over the network, a non-chaos-based encryption technique has been introduced. A progression of the cyclic group is improved where the pixel dependent protection is used. A permutation-based technique is suggested with an iterative method in which the step of uncertainty and diffusion occurred. This allows for better security compared to the usual encryption methods focused on chaos. The bit shifting approach caused the pixel array to transform with the changes in the image's bit level value. It is possible to solve a network security-based attack and reduce third-party access.

Keywords: Image Encryption, Non-Chaotic Method, Permutation, Generator of Cyclic Group, Multiplicative Cyclic Group.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2020.7904

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