Abstract: The study is concerned with knowing the extent to which the incubated and graduated projects are affected by the services of the project incubator, through which it seeks to promote entrepreneurship. The problem of the study is represented in the following: Weak awareness of pioneer's businesses and trustee bodies for services provided by project incubators. The study found to a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that project incubators mainly aim to promote the spirit of entrepreneurship and support small entrepreneurial projects to face the difficulties of the launch stage. The study also found a number of among the recommendations, the most important of which is to emphasize and develop the services provided by the project incubator, in order to promote and spread the spirit of leadership among those in charge of its affiliated projects.

Keywords: project incubators, entrepreneurship

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.81262

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