Abstract: Internal combustion engines have dominated the automotive industry since their inception but due to the gradual increase in fuel prices, declining mineral resources and strict emissions regulations create an ideal environment for the development of hybrid electric vehicles. The combination of vehicles is proven by the specification of carbon emissions. This combination of the electric drivetrain and internal combustion engine has garnered widespread attention among researchers and industries which has led to an increase in car numbers in the market. The internal combustion engine plays an important role in a hybrid electric car that has a significant impact on the car's performance. Increasing fuel economy and low levels of air pollution are major challenges to internal combustion engines. This paper will discuss a simple fire model in SIMULINK that focuses on developing a hybrid electric car using an internal combustion engine that results in better fuel-saving and higher efficiency using a quasi-static approach. Firstly, the ground system blocks are designed on Simulink which includes the driving cycle, Electric motor, electric generator, easy hand transmission, internal fire engine, and battery. These sub-systems are integrated to form a complete hybrid electric vehicle model controlled by a control strategy. Various efficient maps and simulations related to fuel consumption, of internal combustion engines are discussed in the paper.
Keywords: Fossil fuel, emission, Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), Electric motor, generator, Internal combustion engine, QSS toolbox, Matlab, Matlab Simulink.
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9548