Abstract: Energy Saving and Energy Conservation concept is propagated everywhere. Also, different government forms are actively taking part to get fulfil result by organising different activities and Awareness programme. In this case automobile industries manufacturing Electrical vehicle like Two and Four, also awareness about Electrical Vehicle is going more and more. Government forms making scheme about purchase an electrical vehicle, but every technology has own limitation, like EV has more charging time and day by day life of battery reduces. If we not taken care then in charging time and continuously charge then life span of battery reduces, sometime damages cases increase, Consequence Customer of Electrical vehicles become unsatisfied also another customer denied for purchasing. Now days research are going to solve this major problems and doing research on decrease a charging time with effective cooling system to reduce a damage battery case. In this paper we discuss about technologies are innovate by different forms for electrical vehicle charging system.
Keywords: Introduction, Research in battery charger, Recent advancement in battery charger
Parul M Vachhani, Shukla Darshan H, Raval Grishma J, "Recent Advancement of Electrical Vehicle Battery Charger ", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 53-59, 2023, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.101207.