Abstract: Toolmark examination plays a very important role in identification of weapon used during scene of crime. Further toolmark provide a link between suspect and incidence of crime in many cases like burglary, robbery, theft, murder, suicide, assault and forged cases. Documentation of toolmarks done in following steps like photography, collection, packaging, transportation, analysis of toolmark and result report presentation in court. In this paper, reviewing the recent techniques developed for toolmark examination and also mention the technique used nowadays. Firstly, Photography of toolmark was done using digital camera. Collection of toolmark mainly depend on the surface which bear toolmark mainly paper bag used for small toolmark or cartoon box for large object, if object no taken to lab then casting is done by Microsil silicone casting. Automated system provide 3D data for toolmark and toolmark comparison and analysis done through integrated system automatically. Stereomicroscope help to differentiate between types of saw. MANTIS (Manipulative Toolmark Inspection Suite software) help to differentiate between different types of tool. It is a portable 3-D optical profilometer manufactured by Alicona, GmbH. Integrated system GE/2 is uses a kinematic model which describes the process of the groove generation. Tool Mark Imaging System Database (TRAX) device is designed for collection, restoration and comparing of tool images and their textual descriptors’ width, kind of tool mark. Statistical analysis SVMs help to determine between types of tool. Micro-CT Scanning used mainly for saw mark analysis, statistical analysis used to differentiate between different tools, toolmark width can determine by tool blade width, and different toolmarks formed under different methodological conditions like tissue presence and flesh. In this review paper, we also provide a comparison table of toolmark between different tool help to differentiate between a class and individual characteristic.

Keywords: Toolmarks , Microsil silicone casting , Stereomicroscope ,Statistical Analysis

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9338

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