Abstract: The basic measurement system of PMD is the interferometric technique. The interferometric technique is capable of measuring PMD of components. If a component has an operational bandwidth of just 0.2 nm then the coherence time of the source is such that the minimum PMD measurable is 40 ps. If the coherence source having wavelength of 10 nm then the PMD is reduced to 0.08 ps. Further it is concluded that as a working coherence wavelength of a source is increased then the P.M.D. is reduced. The PMD is the limiting factor for the high bit rate optical transmission systems. The precise measurement of the PMD is important for the design and maintenance of these systems. They are several methods developed to this time for the PMD measurements. They differ mutually in many aspects - precision, reliability, repeatability, stability, prize and the possibility of use in field conditions. It allows not only to measure precisely the PMD but it also gives the complete view on the distribution of the total birefringence along the fiber.
Keywords: Polariztion Mode Dispersion, interferometric, coherence source, optical transmission systems, orthogonal polarization modes, non-return to zero, differential group delay, optical fiber, autocorrelation peak, Birefringen,etc.
SONAMUTHU.K.*, GEENA VIDYA.S,"REDUCTION OF POLARIZTION MODE DISPERSION (PMD) IN OPTICAL FIBER THROUGH INTROFEROMETRIC TECHNIQUE ", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 11, no. 2, 2024, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2024.11205