Abstract: Resurgent India in the post pandemic Covid-19, towards new paradigm shift of the BRICS nations is the need of hour in 21st century on the globe. In this study we had discussed about research and development in new paradigm of economic growth of BRICS nations from 2011 to 2021. We also compared the index of innovation of the BRICS countries with their Complexity of Economics. In this article we had used both parameters to perform the research for the Index of Global Innovation and Economic Complexity of Atlas. We had taken the data in Indian context published by Reserve Bank of India in BRICS Economic Bulletin-2021.
According to Rubbo, P., Picinin, C.T. and Pilatti, L.A. (2021) ‘Innovation and economic complexity in BRICS’, Int. J. Knowledge Management Studies, defined that Russia and South Africa have suffered the most in terms of innovation. In terms of economic complexity, India and China saw the largest growth. India and China have moved up top spots in the EC rankings, and also in innovation ranking increased in top level. In the survey, South Africa had the most analogies, ranking in both categories. Brazil has better growth in EC ranking while decrease in Innovation ranking. Finally we found that the vision of Resurgent India with the innovation rankings and Economic Complexity are not comparable; there are differences in terms of economic growth in BRICS Nations rises and falls of research and development in Indian economy.
Keywords: Resurgent India; BRICS; Innovation; New paradigm shift ; Economic growth; Complexity economics; Covid-19