Abstract: Despite their huge contribution to the national income, Bangladeshi returnee international migrants and their family members are seriously vulnerable to contagious communicable viruses like HIV. The overall objective of the study was to examine the relationship between international migration and HIV infection risk factors among the returnee migrants in Bangladesh. Twenty case studies and in-depth interviews were conducted with the returnee migrants with HIV. Qualitative data from case studies and in-depth interviews were analysed thematically and systematically. Before returning to Bangladesh, prolonged working life, separation from regular sex partners, copulating with Bangladeshi sex girls, peer pressure and inefficacious risk appraisal promoted unsafe sex behaviour among returnee migrants. Cultural contexts, unsafe blood transfusion, needle syringe sharing, social stigma and discriminatory treatment approaches intensified their vulnerability to HIV infection. Findings suggest pre-migration HIV knowledge and practices, behavior and practices on returns and existing healthcare policies of origin country might prevent new HIV infections among returnee migrants and their immediate family members.
Keywords: Returnee Migrants, International Migration, HIV Infection, Self-efficacy, Risk