Abstract: Energy security has become a major worldwide concern, prompting extensive research on cost-effective and environmentally benign alternatives. Renewable energy looks to be the only viable choice to fulfill future demands. Acetylene is well-known for its considerable flammability and low-cost non-crude oil derivative fuel availability. Microalgae appear to be a viable source of carbon-neutral biofuels due to their unique features. This review paper describes the performance of conventional diesel engines that use acetylene gas as the low reaction fuel (LRF) and algae biodiesel as the high reaction fuel (HRF) in reactive controlled compression ignition (RCCI). The focus is on improving and reducing emissions.

Keywords: Biofuels, Algae biodiesel, Acetylene gas, RCCI.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2022.9584

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