Abstract: Agricultural sector play a significant role in economic development of any country. Adequate and timely credit to farmers is essential for agricultural development. Cooperative banking structure has a unique position in the rural credit delivery system in India where about 60 percent of its population residing in rural areas. The rural and agricultural sector remained somewhat neglected since the liberation and globalization policy of the government. Though significant efforts have been made by commercial and rural banks but cooperative banks still continue to enjoy an important place in the rural credit scenario of the country. The rural people need lot of services in daily life which can be met by village cooperative societies. But, now-a-days customers require latest services for which cooperative banks are far behind to other banks. Cooperatives can play an active role in the developing countries like India in the era of globalization. In this paper, an attempt has been made to identify the general sentiments, challenges and opportunities for cooperative banking in India.
Keywords: Agricultural Credit, Cooperatives, Farmers, Farm loans.