Abstract: Karmayoga was a path taught by Krishna to his disciple, Arjuna, in the historic spiritual scripture, the Bhagavad Gita. The essence of his Karma Yoga teachings were that one must participate in the world, performing their proper activities without attachments to the outcome while all the while devoting themselves to the path of union with the Divine. Therefore, the term “self-less service” doesn’t necessarily imply free work for other. It is doing the work intended for you without any longing for the fruits of this work for the “self.” This is extremely difficult not only because it is our conditioning to be attached to the benefits for me but determining what are proper activities and what are not proper activities takes being deeply tune with one’s intuition or self. It would be appropriate to use the word 'Yoga" to mean "device" or "intelligent method" and hence the term "karma yoga" would be "a technique for intelligently performing actions." In this paper, I am highlighting certain aspects of Karmayoga for personality development of an individual. How the forms and tecniques of Karmayoga helps in the overall development in order to face the multifarous challenges of life and to make a balance between I and We. To follow Karma Yoga in our contemporary society we need to cultivate a meditation practice to support us in training our minds and our senses to eventually be able to live in this world, doing our worldly duties up to our best abilities with absolutely no longing for the benefits to ourselves. Bringing cleanliness, purity, order and simplicity to our lives, ridding ourselves of restlessness, greed and desire to be able to live in the world. We must act to find inner peace and satisfaction. Developing a daily meditation practice is developing awareness that will bring more awareness to your actions in daily life. I believe this is a very inspiring way to live. It is necessary to enjoy every moment, doing our best to follow the direction of our heart and intuition, to preserve and try to be light and energetic while living in our daily life and doing whatever is necessary to act and follow.
Keywords: Karmayoga, Personality development, self-less service, peace, purity, spirituality etc.