Abstract: Sand has become a very important mineral for society due to its many uses mainly in infrastructural activities. Sand and gravel have long been used as aggregate for construction of roads and buildings. Today, the demand for these materials continues to rise. In India, the main source of sand is from river flood plain sand mining, in-stream mining, coastal sand mining, paleo channel sand mining, and sand mining from agricultural fields. As one of the driest states in India, Rajasthan’s entire river surface constitutes very less percentage of the total surface water resources in India. This paper discussed about the scope and impact of river sand mining in Ajmer, Rajasthan. The rivers in the district are monsoon fed rivers. These rivers flow more rigorously in rainy season and carries sufficient load of sediments which are produced due to erosion of the country rocks in the catchment. The running water transport and deposit sediments in river beds. Sand mining has many positive impacts on the economy and on the quality of life of people. However, if extracted in excess amount beyond the replenishment rate, it has an adverse and destructive impact, on the river system. Total Mining areas cover about 31.94 sq km area in Ajmer district which is 0.38 % of the entire area of the district. Maximum concentration of the Built-up mining areas, in south western part of the district
| DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2023.10740