Abstract: Nowadays, the construction of the high-rise multi-storey buildings has been increased due to the increasing population. Earthquake is one of the main phenomena causing damage to the structure. As the height of the structure increases, it undergoes larger seismic forces. So, it is important to improve the resistance of multi-storey building to lateral loads. There are many structural systems which resist lateral loads by the addition of different structural systems. The application of the shear wall system and bracing system in reinforced concrete buildings has become widely used to minimize seismic consequences. Both of the systems have significance of the structural performance. Although both systems are used for same the reasons, their effect shows unequal variations and behavior against seismic load. This is for the reason that the values of response factors are miscellaneous for varying structural systems. In this project work, the seismic analysis of Frame Structure, RC Bracing system and Shear Wall system are considered and compared to their results against lateral forces using Etabs Software. Three structural systems are considered, in which one is framed structure, second is braced frame structure and third is shear wall structure with different height of building. G+13 storey and G+15 storey structures are compared for maximum displacement, storey drift and base shear using Response Spectrum Analysis in zone V.
Keywords: Bracings, Shear Wall, Response Spectrum Analysis, Multi-Story Building.
Rutuja Vijay Shinde, R. A. Thote, "Seismic Analysis of C Shape Building using Response Spectrum Analysis", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 90-102, 2023, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.101212.