Abstract: Flat slab buildings have largely replaced traditional RC Frame structures in recent years because to its numerous advantages over the former, including lower costs, better utilization of space, simpler formwork, more design freedom, and quicker build periods. Flat slab construction's lacklustre performance under seismic stress is a major hindrance to how well it can support loads. The conventional RC frame building, the flat slab building with and without bracings, and their respective changes can be observed through seismic analysis. E-TABS is used for the analysis. To improve the performance of buildings with typical RC frame buildings and flat slabs under seismic loading, it is important to take additional steps to guide the development and design of these structures in seismic zones. The purpose of this research was to examine the response of standard RC slab structures, often known as flat slabs, to seismic pressures. The parameters of story drift, lateral displacement, seismic base shear, and story shear are all included in the present investigation.
Keywords: Flat Slabs, RC Frame building, story drift, lateral displacement, Response spectrum.