Abstract: The earthquakes in the Indian subcontinent have led to an increase in the seismic zoning factor over many parts of the country. Under this circumstance, seismic qualification of building has become extremely important. To make a building earthquake resistant, the building should have enough strength, stiffness and inelastic deformation capacity. This can be achieved through the selection of an appropriate building configuration and the careful detailing of structural members. There are several types of aspect ratios depending mainly on geometry and height of the building. The behavior of a building during earthquakes depends on its overall shape, size, height and geometry. Therefore, structural engineering profession has been using the nonlinear static procedure (NSP) or pushover analysis. Nonlinear static analysis, has been developed over the past twenty years and has become the preferred analysis procedure for design and seismic performance evaluation purposes. This paper aims to evaluate the reinforced concrete building to conduct the Pushover Analysis. The pushover analysis shows the pushover curves, capacity spectrum, plastic hinges and performance level of the building. The non-linear static analysis gives better understanding and more accurate seismic performance of building’s damage or failure element.
Keywords: High rise building, RCC structure, ductility, seismic design.