Abstract: College is a matter of dreams and the academic and career aspirations born of those dreams. Sleep problems can turn those dreams into nightmares, causing physical and emotional problems that hope of graduating in the trash bin. The present study was pursued with the objectives as to analyze the sleep pattern of the selected college students and usage of electronic devices before their sleep. Among the selected 120 college students 82% were females and 18% were males. Nearly 47% of the selected subjects had eight hours of sleep, 31% slept for seven hours, 17% six hours, 3% five hours and only two percent slept for less than hours. Most of the selected subjects around 50% took naps once a day whereas 12% and six percent took naps twice and thrice a day respectively. Nearly 32% of the subjects reported that they never took a nap in between. It was pleased that 95% of the responds have reported that they were not using sleeping pills or caffeine products at night time. There was also a significant and positive correlation between average bedtime and average wake-up time (r = 0.70, p