Abstract: A medical certificate, often known as a doctor's certificate, is a document attesting to the findings of a patient's medical examination that is prepared by a doctor or another medically competent health care professional. It can be used as proof of a medical condition or as a sick note or fit note, which indicates that an employee is not well enough to work. Sometimes you need a medical certificate for taxation, legal procedures, insurance claims, or to receive specific health benefits from your work. Medical certifications are used to show that an activity is eligible, such parking for the disabled. Medical certifications can also be used to explain a person's condition, like blindness. To attest that a person is clear of communicable diseases, drug addiction, mental illness, or other health concerns, medical certificates are frequently utilized. When submitting an application for something, such an eye exam to obtain a driver's license, health requirements are frequently necessary. At times, medical requirements are self-reported by the applicant in a self-evaluation, without the assistance of a physician or access to their medical history. Certain jobs have specific health requirements or require a medical history. One type of fraud is the falsification of a medical certificate. Jurisdictions have different laws regarding the fabrication or forging of medical certificates; however, those who use fake credentials risk legal trouble as well as health risks. There have been arguments about whether or not an employee can be fired for providing a fake medical certificate.
Keywords: AWS S3 Integration, Cloud Deployment, PDF Generation, Encryption and Decryption.