Abstract: This paper presents the development of a wearable health monitoring device that utilizes Arduino, temperature sensor, pulse detector, and oximeter sensors to continuously monitor a patient's vital signs. The wearable device is designed to collect temperature, pulse rate, and blood oxygen saturation readings from the patient's body. The collected data is then transmitted to the cloud via Wi-Fi connectivity and visualized using ThingSpeak software. The primary objective of this project is to address the need for continuous and non-intrusive monitoring of patients' health. Traditional methods of health monitoring often require manual measurements, which can be inconvenient and may not provide real-time insights into the patient's health status. By integrating the sensors into a wearable device, continuous monitoring becomes possible, enabling healthcare professionals to have access to accurate and timely data. The use of Arduino microcontroller facilitates the seamless integration of the sensors into the wearable device. The temperature sensor measures the patient's body temperature, the pulse detector captures the pulse rate, and the oximeter sensors measure the blood oxygen saturation levels. These vital signs play a crucial role in assessing the patient's overall health and detecting any abnormalities or potential health issues........