ABSTRACT : Due to the surge of intrigued in online retailing, the utilize of credit cards has been quickly extended in later a long time. Taking the card details to perform online exchanges, which is called extortion, has moreover seen more habitually. Preventive arrangements and moment extortion location methods are broadly considered due to basic monetary misfortunes in numerous industries. In this work, Naïve Bayes, D-TREE,RANDOM FOREST and PBTC (POWER BOOSTING TREE CLASSIFIER) Classifier show for the detection of credit card fakes on the spilling transactions is explored with the utilize of diverse qualities of card transactions. I am applying Naïve Bayes, D-TREE and PBTC(POWER BOOSTING TREE CLASSIFIER) Classifier algorithm to detect the CC fraud then compare the result with all algorithms for getting higher CC fraud accuracy.
KEYWORDS- Data mining, Credit card fraud, Fraud detection, Naïve Bayes, D-TREE, PBTC(POWER BOOSTING TREE CLASSIFIER) Classifier