Abstract: In the proposed approach, a smart door lock and lighting system using IOT for smart home is presented with the additional add on feature of facial recognition. A smart door lock system is a system which uses digital password for opening and closing the door. With the advancement of modern technologies areas related to robotics and computer vision, real time image processing has become a major technology under consideration. So here a try has been made for a novel approach for capturing images from the Pi Camera in real time environment and process them as we are required. Here in this project depicts a basic and simple equipment execution of face location framework utilizing Raspberry Pi, which itself is a minicomputer of a small estimate and is of a low cost. The framework is modified utilizing Python programming language. The destinations of the face recognization are to recognize appearances and its spatial area in any pictures or recordings .The proposed framework distinguishes the faces present in a grey scale and colored image. Here in this project the idea of identification has been built up by composing distinguishable code for dataset generator, trainer and indicator. Effectiveness of the framework is examined by as certaining the Face recognization rate for every one of the database. At last the data that will be shown alongside recognized photograph has been put away on database. This concept has a higher scope on security and surveillance projects and various operations.
Keywords— Smart door lock; Face recognition; IOT; Home automation