Abstract: This paper presents the design and construction of a voice operated elevator control system. As we normally see an elevator which might not deal with many safety issues, this system acts as a human-machine communication system. Speech recognition is the process of recognizing the spoken words to take the necessary actions accordingly. Users can also control the electrical devices like fan, door etc. with the help of voice recognition system. This system is extremely beneficial to those who are paralyzed, limited of stature, or severely impaired. The idea for this project is elevator system that accepts destination input via use an external microphone to ride the elevator there target accordingly. The elevator also receives the following inputs: Easy-to-use speed control for different users People with disabilities. With this system, residence and Commercial facilities to minimize elevator costs. Thus, elevator provides experience for people with disabilities and short stature people.
Keywords: Voice control, voice input, microphone, automated elevator, disabled friendly.
Varsha N, Ramya T, Neha Nagraj Airani, "SMART ELEVATOR", IARJSET International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 10, no. 12, pp. 60-63, 2023, Crossref https://doi.org/10.17148/IARJSET.2023.101208.